I have to say I heard good things about this app so I was suprised that when I tried to use it and- it didnt work. Then I saw the video in the help section and saw I was using it wrong. When I knew how to use it, it worked like a charm.
So this is my gift to anyone wanting to use this: Dont use it too early (start after week 25 - at least) be very patient, if you panik, skip this app since it takes time to make it work, and it doesnt always work (the baby is constantly moving, and sometimes I guess its position is not optimal). Take your phone out of its cover (very important!!). Once you find it youll know. Oh, and try listening to your own heart beat its fun and you can hear the difference and see if youre using it right. Another tip- share the recording with your family its a great way to get people involved in your pregnancy. Thats it, have fun :)
laurensapps about BabyScope Hear Baby Heartbeat, v4.2.0